Well well, this is how far I’ve come in trying to visualise the whole tree of concepts in the modified version of rECS (Chemero), with additions from Golonka & Wilson and myself.
Starting out in the bottom right, with energy array and physical properties, it is worth mentioning that an energy array also could be said to be physical properties since we are talking about for example visually, light particles/waves. They are separated due to their function.
Energy array + Physical properties give rise to Structure.
Structure, non-perceived, is not information.
Structure + Perception give rise to Information.
Information give rise to Affordances of the object/agent and the Limitations.
Limitations + Affordances can be Realised and/or Actualised.
Affordances can be Realised and/or Actualised (without the need of perceiving Limitations).
Affordances can be Realised which can give rise to Actualisation.
Affordances can be Actualised giving rise to Realisation.
These are not static one-way relationships, change in one, changes the others down to Perception. Practically, there should be arrows from Affordances, Realisation, Actualisation, Limitations, Information and Perception, to each other.. My MS Paint skills need a bit of retouching for that to happen. I am on my way of separating out all the concepts one by one and link them to their implicated and or necessary concepts. This is meant as a simple overview.
Watch this space as I will try and post a new blog post each day (roughly) for each concept.